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Welcome Gisborne Pony Club Members Area

Please note, the following information applies to current GPC Members only. 
If you are interested in trialing or joining our Club, please contact us via


Club Rally Overview

Rallies are held on the first Sunday of every month (except January). 

  • Please ensure you arrive early enough to settle your horse and assist with set up or stay after lessons to assist with pack down. 

  • The sign in sheet is with the Notice Board at the Club Rooms, you must sign in to ensure your attendance is marked on your Card.

  • Riders are to be ready and mounted for our Welcome Meeting at 9.45am on the main arena. 

  • Lesson plans are emailed via the Stack App to Members prior to rallies and will also be displayed on the Board in the Club Rooms. 

  • There are two lessons in the morning and two in the afternoon with lunch available to order at the Canteen. Please provide your preferences via the Stack App to assist with ordering. 

  • All riders are expected to attend the lunch time meeting to ensure you hear all necessary news items and celebrate wins! 

  • At the end of the rally, please assist with pack down if you weren't able to assist with the morning set up and ensure any manure has been cleaned away in to the designate manure area. 

  • Note that the horse washes are to be used sparingly and only when necessary as there is very limited tank water available. 

  • If you have any concerns, issues or queries please see Nate (President), Sarah (DC), or Cara/Katrina (rally coordinators). 

Entering Events & Grading

Upon becoming a member, you will receive a Pony Club Membership Card.
This card must be presented at
all rallies and pony club events if representing the club.
To qualify for a pony club event, your horse must be ridden at a minimum of 2 rallies and recorded and signed in your card by our club delegate . This card is also used to record the rider's grading which is by horse (not rider).
Grading is offered by the club's District Commissioner (DC).

There are a variety of events that are hosted by Pony Clubs and Pony Club Victoria.  If your horse is qualified (attended at least 2 GPC rallies), then you can attend these events and represent GPC as well gain great event and rider experience!
Some events also offer 'Open Rider' programs which are for those who represent themselves or are not yet graded.

Grading is directed by the club DC and is based on one horse and rider combination at a time.
If you change horse, you will require grading again. Always ask questions before attending an event and we will help you!
There are many different types of events that involve different disciplines and competition types so ensure you check each event's details at the time of booking. 

Pony club instruction follows the Pony Club Australia (PCA) syllabus. There are 9 certificates that can be achieved being E, D, D*, C, C*, K, B, H and A, and are all proficiency certificates recognising progress in ability and sportsmanship. They are gained in order starting from E through to A and the DC and Secretary will direct you as required. All riders are assessed for the E, D, D* competency certificates within the club. C certificate level and upwards are assessed at zone and state level. Riders are strongly encouraged to achieve C certificate as it is a requirement for entry to Pony Club Victoria (PCV) state championships if the rider is 14yo and in pony club for 2 years or more. Riders are given positive encouragement and support to work through these achievements. The higher level certificates are recognised and respected overseas and give a rider considerable kudos.

Club Uniform

Our Club colours are Black and Gold and we ask that all members present with the basic uniform being the GPC polo top and correct riding pants according to the uniform guide. No jewellery and tidy hair with a current and well-fitted riding helmet is required.


Uniforms items are typically purchased at each rally however if necessary, you can contact the Uniform Co-ordinators (details below).
Uniforms cannot be distributed unless payment has been received. We may have a credit card facility at rallies however you may show an Electronic Funds Transfer receipt as proof of purchase on the day or pay cash (cheques not accepted).



      Please put a name & 'UNIFORM & Surname or rider name' as a description

      Gisborne Pony Club
      BSB: 633000   Acc: 123423774


Uniform Co-ordinator: Danielle


See our uniform page for currently item availability CLICK HERE


President - Nate Fosnaugh


DC -Sarah Goodisson

Secretary - Lisa Newman -

Card Secretary - Emma Kortlang -


Treasurer - Susie Fosnaugh -

Uniforms - Danielle Craige


Events -

Grounds Access 


Current / paid club members may access the grounds in their personal via the cross country gate (left gate).
The front arena is permitted for use and is secured by a coded padlock.  

Please contact the Club if you need the padlock code. 

​Non-members may use the Cross Country grounds.
Please check the calendar before use and we ask non members to contribute by donation to assist with grounds maintenance and improvements. More information is available on the I R Robertson Reserve site.


Horse Yards / Bays


On Rally days, you may use any available yard as it is on a first come basis. This differs on events however, which will be indicated in the event details and a fee may apply.


Please ensure your yard is tidy of manure which can be placed in the supplied manure bins or by the trees.

Please also hook the chains so they remain off the ground.

We would like to thank our
Sponsors for their valuable support:


Gisborne Pony Club Grounds
I R Robertson Reserve
340 Couangalt Road,
Gisborne South VIC
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